Software Engineering-I : Analysis and design tools : E-R analysis

 Analysis and design tools : E-R analysis 


E-R Model means entity relationship model represents conceptual way of data modeling. For every business system conceptual modeling is the intermediate phase that leads to physical data base design. First step of conceptual data modeling is semantic analysis which focuses on entities and their relationships. Some important basic concepts for drawing E-Diagrams are as follows. 
        1. Entity: - An entity is an object that has its own unique identity. For example: Any car, book,                     person, dream.[Important: Entity can be concrete or abstract.] 
        2. Attribute: - An attribute is an aspect, characteristic or quality of either an entity or relationship.                For example: color, size shape of a car can be the attributes. 
       3. Relationship: - A relationship is a meaningful association, linkage or connection between entities.        4. Entity set: - Entity set is a set of entities of same kind. For example: Accounts holder of same bank          can form an entity set. 
       5. Relationship set:- A relationship set is collection of relations of same type.

Symbols of E-R diagram :

Technically if a relationship set contains a primary key it is called a strong entity set otherwise it is called weak entity set. An entity may appear in 
                I. One- one relationship 
                II. One – many relationship 
              III. Many –many relationship (m-n) 
1] One- one relationship: (1:1) 
    For a given occurrence of an entity there is exactly one occurrence of another entity. 
For example: - Any one employee of an organization is identified by identity card.

2] One - many relationships: (1: M) 
    For a given (value) occurrence of any entity there can be more than one (value) occurrences of another entity.
For example: A branch of bank has much number of customers. So it is 1-m relationship.
3] Many to many relationship: (m:n) 
    There can be multiple occurrences of both the entities that are being related 
For example: Subjects opted by students for a particular course.
example : 1. Production tracking is important in many manufacturing environments (e.g., the pharmaceuticals industry, children’s toys, etc.). The following ER diagram captures important information in the tracking of production. Specifically, the ER diagram captures relationships between production lots (or batches), individual production units, and raw materials.