Software Engineering - I : Role of System Analyst

Role of System Analyst

 The system analysis is concerned with:
        1. Investigating 
        2. Analyzing 
        3. Designing 
        4. Implementing 
        5. Evaluating information system in organizations. 
The system analyst is the key person who is brain of the system development life cycle who acts as interface between user (client) and the organization. System analyst is not a mere programmer of the system but more like a manager who 
                 I. Determines the design of the overall system 
                 II. Obtains the necessary technical help from programmers, specialist and equipment engineers.                   III. Follows the system through design, implementation and evaluation.


System analyst is a multitasking personality. He has to perform different roles at different stages of the system development. His task can be divided into five important areas of efforts where he has to do various roles. 
1. Problem identification: System analyst is the middle man between end user and the development team. So he has to communicate between the two ends as well as to understand customer’s needs, identify the exact nature of the problem. Then he discusses it with the development team in order to have different solution alternatives.
2. Evaluation & synthesis: After having various alternatives from the development team a good analyst should be able to evaluate the solution on the basis of cost, time and technology which is called as feasibility test. 
3. Modeling: Once a proper choice of the alternatives is done by end user a model or prototype is prepared by system analyst with the help of development .Good logical and analytical mind helps him to understand the information contents of the data, functional processing, and behavioral operations and control flow of the system in order to model the system.
4. Verification of the model: The system analyst evaluates the length of the model with respect to cost & time required for the implementation of the system and these parameters are checked with the customer & then testing details are sent to the development team. Once the model is accepted by the user, the development team sends the tested system to the analyst for verification of the result. 
5. Modification: Then the system is sent to the user for acceptance. Many times it happens that at the beginning the user is not very clear about all of his needs. So after acceptance of the system when the user starts working on it he requests the analyst for the modifications. Here again the analyst has to evaluate the request on the scale of same parameters. Then the modification specifications are prepared and sent to the development team. Again the team works on the system and the modified & tested system is sent to the analyst for verification. And after having verified the modified system is finally delivered to the client.

Functions of system analyst 
 Collects the facts of the existing system
 Analyses the collected information, basic methods and procedures of current system 
 Determines and specifies the needs 
 Designs the information system 
 Prepares the model 
 Modify redesigns, verifies and integrate according to required specifications. 

Thus the main objective of a system analyst is to provide right type of information at right time in right quality and right quantity in right way and right cost to the management and the client. 


In order to perform all these tasks at every functional level of system development system analyst has to perform many roles such as 
            1. Architect 
            2. An agent of change 
            3. Investigator & motivator 
            4. organizer 
            5. Motivator & Psychologist 
1. An architect: An analyst is creator of physical design of the system as per user requirements. He formulates the abstract ideas of user into detailed format of the system which in turn helps the development team to build the end product. So he is the brilliant architect of the system. 
2. An agent of change: System analyst works towards the future which is uncertain. The only thing which is permanent is the change. So analyst has to prepare model in this changing environment. The strong hurdle is the resistance of the user. So system analyst has to secure user’s acceptance through the participation from designing till implementation phase of the system. Since an analyst is responsible for bringing the change in system, he is an agent of the change. 
3. Investigator & monitor: An analyst should have fair capacity to investigate the problem. He should be able to go to the root cause of the problem. In other words he should have digging attitude to uncover the problematic trends that have direct impact on an organization. 
Monitor: In order to complete the task the analyst must have leading capacity, technical skills and project management capacity so that, right from understanding the information contents of data till functional processing and behavioral operations , he can control the flow of the system and thereby monitor the system as a ‘whole’. 
4. An organizer: Analyst should have clear idea of all the activities of the system rather he should be able to put all the activities in sequence & clear about their purpose and the consequences. He is responsible for execution of the activities and hence the result. He himself is an evaluator of the system. 5. Motivator & psychologist: System acceptance is achieved through user participation right from the beginning that is from designing phase to implementation stage. This can be made possible by effective training & proper motivation to use the system. Physiologist: Good motivator has to be good physiologist because he has to reach people, understand the client’s environment, dig out the exact nature of the problem, and interpret it correctly to the developer team, asses the behavior draw the conclusion.


In order to fulfill the responsibilities an analyst must have: 
1. Abroad & flexible outlook. 
2. An orderly mind 
3. Disciplined approach & logical neatness 
4. Ability to express thoughts, ideas & proposals clearly both orally & in writing. 
The skill sets required by system analyst can be observed under two categories:-
             I. Interpersonal Skills         II. Technical Skills 
I. Interpersonal Skills: 
i] Initiative & good communication skill 
      Since analyst has to gather maximum information in less time, he should have initiative attitude to ask detailed queries and should have good communication skill so as to interact with managerial level people as well as team members & end users. 
ii] Well understanding capacity: 
    Analyst should be able to identify the exact problem of customer and should have fair understanding of organization structure, system techniques. policies & control. 
iii] Teaching: 
    For providing perfect solutions of a problem an analyst must have ability to train the development team members. Also must be able to train users of the system to operate the system efficiently. 
iv] Motivation: 
    By active participation & moral building techniques analyst must motivate the users as well as development team members to give effective results. 

II. Technical Skills: 
i] Creativity: Analyst must have ability to give innovative ideas in designing system, screen reports. 
ii] Logical reasoning: 
        Analyst must move forward towards the problem logically and should solve it using computer system .For that he should have fair knowledge of data processing, computer operations and programming languages. 
iii] Project management: 
        Analyst must be aware of various management techniques. He should design the system, develop the system with proper modification (such as by updating or deletion of existing subsystem or procedure) and thereby prepare planning and controlling policies and procedures, also should be able to implement the system within time limit. 
iv] Computing: 
       Analyst should have working knowledge of equipment's used in the system. He should be conversant with the information regarding various computer systems available In market, their cost benefits versatility. 
v] Knowledge of fact finding methods: 
        System analyst must be aware of fact finding methods and capable of proper use of them, to gather the required information from the customer.