Cryptography / Encryption


Cryptography is the science of protecting data, which provides means and methods of converting data into unreadable form, so that The data cannot be accessed for unauthorized use.

  • ·         The content of the data frames is hidden.
  • ·         The authenticity of the data can be established.
  • ·         The undetected modification of the data is avoided.
  • ·         The data cannot be disowned by the originator of the message.

Cryptography is one of the technological means to provide security to data being transmitted on information and communications systems. Cryptography is especially useful in the cases of financial and personal data, irrespective of the fact that the data is being transmitted over a medium or is stored on a storage device. It provides a powerful means of verifying the authenticity of data and identifying the culprit, if the confidentiality and integrity of the data is violated. Because of the development of electronic commerce, cryptographic techniques are extremely critical to the development and use of defense information systems and communications networks.


History of Cryptography

The messages were first encrypted in ancient Egypt as a result of hieroglyphics. The Egyptians encrypted messages by simply replacing the original picture with another picture. This method of encryption was known as substitution cipher. In this method, each letter of the cleartext message was replaced by some other letter, which results in an encrypted message or ciphertext.

For example, the message


can be encrypted by using substitution cipher as



 In the preceding example, each letter of the plaintext message has been replaced with the next letter in the alphabet. This type of substitution is also known as Caesar cipher. Caesar cipher is an example of shift cipher because it involves shifting each letter of the plaintext message by some number of spaces to obtain the ciphertext.

For example, if you shift the letters by 5, you get the following combination of plaintext and ciphertext letters:

Plaintext A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Ciphertext F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z A B C D E

 cryptography terms 

• Plaintext: Is the message that has to be transmitted to the recipient. It is also commonly                                           referred to as cleartext.

• Encryption: Is the process of changing the content of a message in a manner such that it                                            hides the actual message.

 • Ciphertext: Is the output that is generated after encrypting the plain text.

• Decryption: Is the reverse of encryption and is the process of retrievingthe original                                                    message from its encrypted form. This process converts ciphertext to                                                     plaintext.

• Hash algorithm: Is an algorithm that converts text string into a string of fixed length.

• Key: Is a word, number, or phrase that is used to encrypt the cleartext. In computer–                                        based cryptography, any text, key word, or phrase is converted to a very large                                          number by applying a hash algorithm on it. The large number, referred to as a key,                                 is then used for encryption and decryption.

• Cipher: Is a hash algorithm that translates plaintext into an intermediate form called                                           ciphertext, in which the original message is in an unreadable form.

• Cryptanalysis: Is the science of breaking codes and ciphers.


The two main cryptography techniques are

Single key cryptography: This cryptography technique is based on a single key. It is also known as symmetric key or private key or secret key encryption.

Public key cryptography: This cryptography technique is based on a combination of two keys—secret key and public key. It is also known as asymmetric encryption.


Single Key Cryptography

 The process of encryption and decryption of information by using a single key is known as secret key cryptography or symmetric key cryptography. In symmetric key cryptography, the same key is used to encrypt as well as decrypt the data. The main problem with symmetric key algorithms is that the sender and the receiver have to agree on a common key. A secure channel is also required between the sender and the receiver to exchange the secret key.

Here’s an example that illustrates the process of single key cryptography. Alice wants to send a “For Your Eyes” message to Bob and wants to ensure that only Bob is able to read the message. To secure the transmission, Alice generates a secret key, encrypts the message with this key, and sends the message to Bob. Now, to read the encrypted message, Bob would need the secret key that has been generated by Alice. Alice can give the secret key to Bob in person or send the key to Bob by any other means available. If Alice sends the key to Bob in person, it could be time-consuming depending on the physical distance between the two of them or other circumstances such as Bob’s availability. After Bob receives the secret key, he can decrypt the message to retrieve the original message. Many secret key algorithms were developed on the basis of the concept of secret key cryptography. The most widely used secret key algorithms include Data Encryption Standard (DES)

Ø  Triple-DES (3DES)

Ø  International Data Encryption Algorithm (IDEA)

Ø  RC4

Ø  CAST-128

Ø  Advanced Encryption Standard (AES)




The major problem with symmetric cryptography is that the process of transferring keys to the recipient is prone to security risks. Transferring the secret key over the Internet either in an e-mail message or through simple IRC services is insecure. Verbally communicating the key over a phone line runs the risk of eavesdropping. Similarly, snail mail runs the risk of possible interception. The security risks that are involved in secret key cryptography have been overcome to a large extent in another method of cryptography called public key cryptography. Public key cryptography uses a key pair instead of just one secret key. Of this key pair, one key, known as the private key, is always kept secret by the key holder. This private key is not transferred to anyone and is stored securely by the holder of the key and thus public key cryptography eliminates the need for transferring the private key.



The approach called asymmetric cryptography evolved to address the security issues posed by symmetric cryptography. This method solves the problem of secret key cryptography by using two keys instead of a single key. Asymmetric cryptography uses a pair of keys. In this process, one key is used for encryption, and the other key is used for decryption. This process is known as asymmetric cryptography because both the keys are required to complete the process. These two keys are collectively known as the key pair. In asymmetric cryptography, one of the keys is freely distributable. This key is called the public key and is used for encryption. Hence, this method of encryption is also called public key encryption. The second key is the secret or private key and is used for decryption. The private key is not distributable. This key, like its name suggests, is private for every communicating entity. In public key cryptography, the data that is encrypted with the public key can only be decrypted with the corresponding private key.



Combining Techniques: Symmetric and Asymmetric Encryption

The disadvantage of using public key encryption is that it is a slow process because key lengths are large (1024 bits to 4094 bits). When you compare both processes, secret key encryption is significantly faster as the key length is less (40 bits to 256 bits). On the other hand, there is a problem in transferring the key in secret key encryption. Both these techniques can be used together to provide a better method of encryption. This way you can make use of the combined advantages and overcome the disadvantages. The steps in data transaction in a combined technique are:

1. Encrypt your file by using a symmetric encryption.

2. Use asymmetric encryption to encrypt only this key using the recipient’s public key. Now send the encrypted key to the recipient. The recipient, at his end, can now decrypt the key using his/her private key.

3. Next, send the actual encrypted data. The encrypted data can be decrypted using the key that was encrypted by using the public key from the asymmetric key pair.




 Any process of authentication protects two parties against a third party. However, this process does not protect the parties against each other. This means that in situations where there isn’t complete trust between the sender and the recipient, something more than authentication is required. This problem can be solved using a digital signature. A digital signature is analogous to a handwritten signature and verifies the author, date, and time of signature. The signature should also be able to authenticate the content at the time of the signature.

The main requirements of a digital signature are:

v  It is unique to the sender.

v  It should be recognizable and verifiable..