Toolbar in Joomla

Toolbar in Joomla

In this we will learn about the various toolbar options in Joomla. Given below is a list of toolbars −

  • Article Manager Toolbar
  • Category Manager Toolbar
  • Media Manager Toolbar
  • Menu Manager Toolbar
  • Module Manager Toolbar
  • User Manager Toolbar
  • Global Configuration Toolbar
  • Template Manager Toolbar

Articles Toolbar :

Click on Content → Articles in Joomla administrator control panel. In Articles, you can create the standard pages that consist of images, text and hyperlinks. The following figure depicts the Articles Toolbar.

  • New − Create a new article.
  • Edit − Edit any specific article.
  • Publish − Publish the article to the user on the website.
  • Unpublish − Unpublish the article to the user on the website.
  • Featured − Selected article is featured. Multiple articles can also be featured.
  • UnfeaturedSelected article is unfeatured. Multiple articles can also be unfeatured.
  • Archive − It can change the status of the articles to published or unpublished by selecting archived in the select status filter.
  • Check In − Check-in the selected article. Multiple articles can be checked-in.
  • Trash − Delete the selected article permanently.
  • Batch − Selected articles are processed by batch.
  • Help − Help button is used to open the help screen.
  • Option − It opens the setting window where you can change the setting of the articles.