Cyber Security module-2

 Cyber Security Module-2 (security management) 

What is Intellect property?

  •    Creation of human mind and intellect
  • Idea or a concept or a thought at the beginning
  •  Research and development to lead the idea or thought to practice
  •  The outcome of these ideas may be development of products, processes, works marks and design, etc.

Intellect is property?

  • Documentation
  • Legal authorization by Govt.
  •  Description
  •  Ownership
  •  Time duration
  •  Fee
  • Commercial Value

Why IPR is important?

  • Reward original efforts
  • Stimulate innovation and creativity
  • Prevent duplication of work.
  • Commercial value in research
  • Prevent exploitation of workers
  • Technical information for research and to prevent litigation.

Forms of IPR

Patents :

• Patent defined in Patents Act as “patent granted for any invention under the Act”.
• Territorial(national) Statutory exclusive right
• Granted by Government
• To inventor or their assignees
• In consideration of disclosure of invention to the government 
• To prevent third parties not having his consent from making, using, offering for sale, selling or importing for those purposes the products or products produced by the patented processes (Sec. 48)
• For limited period of time ( 20 years) 
• Qualified rights with duties and liabilities

Copyright :

• Objective : To ensure protection from unlawfully exploitation of the work of owner(Author)
• Copyright act provides exclusive rights to authors and other owner of original works.
• Exclusive privilege to authors to reproduce, distribute, perform, or display their creative works.
examples of copyright:

Trademark :

• Word or symbol used by manufacturers to identify goods.
 • Customer able to distinguish product of one manufacturer from that of other.
 • Initial registration for 10 yrs and further renewed by payment of fees for unlimited period .

Geographical Indication :

• Geographical Indication ?
• Indication which identifies such goods( as agricultural goods, natural goods or manufactured goods ) as originating or manufactured or processed in territory of the country or locality of territory.
 • Quality and reputation of such goods are attributable to geographical origin.


 • Include shape, configuration, composition of colors, lines.
 • Main criteria :- 1) Novelty
                             2) Originality

Registration of design - 

                 Currently governed by Design Act 2000 
                 - Total time: 15 yrs
                 - Initially right is granted for 10 yrs then can be extended by 5 yrs by making application                        along with necessary fee.

Trade Secret :

 • Confidential business information
• i.e manufacturing or industrial secrets and commercial secrets.
 • e.g . Sales methods, distribution methods, consumer profiles, advertising strategies, lists of suppliers and clients , manufacturing processes


  • KFC's secret blend of 11 herbs and spices.
  • Coca-Cola's recipe for their signature drink.
  • Google's search algorithm.
  • McDonald's Big Mac “special sauce.”
  • Secret client lists at any company.

Plant Variety Protection :

                                                              Singapore Coconut

• Legal protection granted by govt. For protection of plant varieties, right of farmers and plant breeders 
• Farmer rights act 2001

Integrated Circuits

• Specific manner in which transistors and other circuitry elements of IC are laid out and includes connecting elements.

Laws in India

• Trade marks – The trademarks Act 1999
 • Copy right works – the copyright act 1957
 • Designs – lines colours shapes etc.- The designs Act 2000
 • Inventions – Products or process – Patents Act 1970 
• Plant variety protection – Plant varieties & farmers Rights Act 2001 
• Integrated Circuits – The semiconductor Integrated circuit layout – design Act,2000 
• Geographical indications – Geographical indications of goods (Registration & Protection) Act 1999 came in force with effect from Sept.2003

Ethics and Best Practices: 

Practice cyber ethics

                             Ethics are principles or standards of human conduct. Cyber ethics is a code of behavior on the Internet. Based on common sense and good judgment, cyber ethics also includes obeying laws that apply to online behavior. When you practice cyber ethics, you are more likely to have a safer and enjoyable Internet experience.
Here are a few suggestions: 
DO use the Internet to communicate and interact with other people. Email and instant messaging make it easy to stay in touch with friends and family members, communicate with work colleagues, and share ideas and information with people across town or halfway around the world. Participating in Internet forums and social networking sites are also great ways to engage with people online.

DON'T be a cyberbully. Treat people online the way you would if you were talking to them face-to face. Be considerate and respectful. Don't be rude or mean, don't use bad language, and don't make threats or attempt to humiliate other people. When you type, make sure your Caps Lock key is off or people might think that you're screaming. 

DO report cyberbullying. Keep a record of every comment you receive from a cyberbully; contact the cyberbully one time only and tell him to stop bothering you. If behavior doesn't change, then report the bully to the proper authorities. 
DON'T encourage cyberbullies.
If someone you encounter online insults you or says something threatening, just ignore them. Engaging or arguing with cyberbullies might encourage even worse behavior. If you refuse to respond, there is a good chance they will move on and stop bothering you. If a cyberbully harassers you through email or instant messaging, you can also use the builtin filters to prevent further contact.

DO use the Internet for research and information. The Internet is like the world's largest library, packed full of information on every conceivable subject, from ancient history to current events, from math and science to art and anthropology. The information you find online can help you to manage your life, to improve your work, and to make important decisions with greater confidence. 

DON'T use copyrighted information as your own. The Internet has such a wealth of information that it can be tempting to copy and reuse information you find online. Presenting information from the Internet as your own work is not only dishonest, it could be illegal. If the material is copyrighted, then by law it belongs to someone else. If you use it without permission or appropriate attribution, you might be violating copyright laws.

DO enjoy music, videos and games on the Internet. There are many websites where you can sample new music, watch movies and other videos, or play and learn about computer games.

DON'T download or share copyrighted information. If you download and distribute copyrighted  music, videos, games or other materials over the Internet without proper payment or permission, you are stealing.

DO shop, bank and pay bills online. The Internet makes it easy and convenient to manage many tasks online-which can save time and money. 

DON'T share personal information too easily. Be careful about the type and amount of information you share with people online. Beware especially of people you don't know or questionable websites that might not be secure. Revealing personal information can make you a target for online criminals or cyberbullies. To help ensure you're on a secure site, check to see if the URL begins with https (the "s" stands for "secure"). Also, look for a green address bar or a security certificate-represented by an icon such as an unopened lock-somewhere in the browser window. Double-click the certificate to make sure the name on the web address matches the certificate. 

DO use the Internet to expand your social and business networks. Social and business networking sites can help you locate old friends and make new ones, create and maintain valuable professional contacts, and build your online reputation. 
DON'T lie. When you're interacting with people online, be honest, and never pretend to be someone else. If someone asks you a question that makes you uncomfortable or asks you to reveal too much personal information, just don't answer.